Thursday 17 March 2011

Puro Instinct

I don't always like Puro Instinct (Piper and Skylar Kaplan, formerly known as Pearl Harbour); they make hazy dreampop but a lot of the time it doesn't really have anything strong enough to anchor the music, and as a result they come across as flimsy, sort of misty without any real hooks or poppiness. Their recent album, 'Headbangers in Ecstasy' is a good example of how a lot of the time they don't really work. I'm a fan of some of their tracks though, especially 'Silky Eyes', which they've made a video for with Flaunt magazine (you can see the vid here: Silky Eyes sees the duo get a bit more college rocky; giving the guitars more emphasis in the production definitely improves their music.  

Puro Instinct - Silky Eyes 

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